Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I Don't Think She's Australian

Since we are talking about dating, I visited a dating website just now to find the following in my mail box, purportedly from an Australian girl living in Connecticut; see if she sounds like an Australian nurse to you:

I the young and beautiful woman, I live in small small town. I work in
small in hospital, I live with mum. I have left school and have
received education nurse, I met with man and me who did not like
because they only wanted sex and drank much, and one in general to
beat wanted, because I did not talk to him. To me hunting to find good
the man which will love very strongly up to the end of the life. I
would make all, that we would be happy. I very much like to prepare
very much, especially on holidays because it is possible to think up
that brand new. I do not smoke, I drink only on holidays. I would like
to meet the good person who could be fair and know as to address to
women, to love it, and to have good marriage and the child. I prefer
strong men who know that they want from a life who wishes to remain
with one woman and to be fair with it. Would like to have the open
relations and if we do not love when something in each
other speaks about it, it is good to be beloveds but also and good
friends and to trust each other if you do something not so, it is
better to tell so openly.

She starts out well, doesn't she? I the young and beautiful woman...


  1. Yeah, if Australian means Ukrainian in her world. Either that or she's from the provinces of PI.

    You will probably get letters that say, "Joe, cant splain the way i peel pore you. If you loved me you buy me fan".

  2. Barco:

    Bwaaa haaaa haaaa haaa!


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