Thursday, February 26, 2009

"One Must Take a Stand. One Simply Must."

via Michael Totten comes a first-hand account of Christopher Hitchens' wacky misadventures in Beirut, Lebanon.

Here's the conquering hero himself:

©2009 Michael Totten. Used with permission.

Despite my teasing tone, that was a damned dangerous situation to be in. Christopher and crew were lucky to get to a safe place without serious injury. So for those of you out there who don't think that Christopher Hitchens is willing to walk the walk in addition to talking the talk, think to yourself: would you deface swastikas in militia-held Beirut, totally unarmed? Think about it.

And if you enjoyed Michael Totten's account, consider the possibility of hitting his tip jar, he is an independent journalist who works without a newspaper or other news organization paying him to do it, strictly from donations.

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