Thursday, February 19, 2009

Race Riots Begin In Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe, a Caribbean island that belongs to and is governed by France, has seen rioting break out as the majority black population of the island takes to the streets to protest rule by a white minority.

It must be noted that Haiti was once owned by France and ruled by a white minority. The black citizens of Guadeloupe had best consider carefully what they wish for; they might just get it.


  1. Hey Bob,
    Take a look at my blog, you will see that I have friends in Guadeloupe, and I was in the midst of planning a visit in the next two months.

    I reacquired contact with my friend, Pierre-Louis, he is in Basse Terre, and he has kept his notes compressed. Says times are really bad and strikers have taken to barricading roads and neighborhoods.

    By the way, every island the British have left have turned into beautiful, violent gardens.

    I especially mean St Vincents.

  2. I'm thinking this will be a small version of Zimbabwe soon. All the evil white people chased out, all lands and business redistributed in the name of social justice, followed by a rapid descent into a crippled economy, endemic poverty, and repressive, corrupt, "elected-for-life" politicians.

    Doubtless things could have done better to integrate society so there were common social goals and opportunities for advancement and financial gain based on merit. Too late now, I'd think.


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