Sunday, February 01, 2009

A Simple Solution Presents Itself

A Navy/Marine Corps veteran living in Florida has been convicted (presumably under the Stolen Valor Act) of claiming to have won four Purple Heart medals when he had in fact earned none.

If he wants them so badly, a simple solution presents itself: just shoot him four times. You can use a .22 Short so as not to make lethal wounds. That way he'll have earned his medals. You can even have some Vietnamese-Americans do the shooting, for extra verisimilitude.

Really, if you're going to violate the Stolen Valor Act, you might as well claim a higher class of medal than the Purple Heart. Claim the Bronze Star at the very least.


1 comment:

  1. It's not just because of the Purple Heart claim.

    This chucklehead was a real Vietnam Vet. He got out as an E-2 or E-3, claimed to have been a POW and a retired Gunnery Sergeant. He was foolish enough to speak at the POW-MIA ceremony at NAS Jax as a former POW.

    He could have just stayed cool on the fact he was a Marine Infantryman in Vietnam.

    Probably lonely.


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