Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Story For Which The World Is Not Yet Prepared*

Captured: The Giant Rat of Sumatra. In China.

*Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sussex Vampire.


  1. Remember that WW2 book by Clavell, King Rat?

    That's a Roaster.

  2. I remember seeing Clavell's books on the shelves in bookstores and libraries, but never read any of them. Started on Shogun once upon a time, but got bored with it.

    One of the many pastiches of Holmes was titled The Giant Rat of Sumatra, which wasn't bad, for a pastiche. Rex Stout, the creator of Nero Wolfe, couldn't decide if pastiches were vampirism or cannibalism, but disapproved of them all, saying that the pastiche writers should "roll their own."


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