Wednesday, February 04, 2009

When Batleths Are Outlawed...

...only outlaws will carry Batleths.

What's a Batleth, you ask? It's one of those Klingon bladed weapons from Star Trek:

Funny takeaway from the article:

But the Batleth itself is not the important part of this post. Well, it is kinda, but not in the way you’d expect.

The important part be thus: If you know what a Batleth is, you are in fact a Star Trek NERD. Do not argue with me, this question was the litmus test to determine your Star Trek nerdness. It’s like the SAT or something.

But it’s hip to be a nerd these days, right? Wrong. And here’s my proof from the Batleth story itself: Police say both the 711employees robbed by our would-be Klingon recognized the Batleth from Star Trek. You get that – they recognized it. That’s like a mathematical proof proving if you’re a Star Trek nerd and know what a Batleth is, you’ll end up working at a 711. Or robbing it.

Either way, you’re screwed for life.

Truer words never spoken.


  1. I think that there is a difference between watching Star Trek and knowing what some of the props are and being a complete Star Trek nerd and memorizing the complete Klingon to English dictionary.

    At least I hope so or I know what I'll be doing after I retire.

    "Was that a large or medium Slurpee, sir."


  2. TOTWTYTR - with the economy going as it is and Obama still planing more damage we may all be working at 7-11 for retirement, we won't have any other money to live on. . .

  3. Back when everybody had and used edged weapons they figured out a lot of stuff about them - and forgot more stuff than any StarTrek fan might begin dream about. The thing doesn't look as scary as a lot of exotic Malaysian blades, I think I would laugh at somebody trying to threaten me with one.

  4. It is not the shape of the blade.

    If the blade is sharp, and there is skill and intent, everything from a box cutter to a cutlass presents a threat.


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