Friday, March 20, 2009

Ann Coulter's Tribute To Ron Silver

You can find it here. If you're only used to reading Coulter in her snarky TV role, this is another side of her, a warm tribute to a man she obviously considered a close friend. Nary a snark in it.

h/t Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Occasionally, Ann Coulter gets a subject that is too big and important for her usual shtick. When that happens she steps up so well and writes and thinks so clearly and positively that it makes me wish she spent more time finding subjects that were worthy of serious consideration. Yeah, its fun to read all the colorful ways she finds to call liberal politicians boobs, but it's a significant waste of talent. Sorta like having a Marine Scout-Sniper picking of rats with a .22 at the town dump.


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