Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Convert-A-Doe Kit

Marcel Fournier, a Vermont hunter adept with tools, shot a doe Whitetail Deer out of season, then tried to pass it off as a buck by bolting antlers onto the doe's skull.

Game wardens were suspicious of large, 10-point antlers on such a small deer, though. I'd have to guess that Fournier had neglected to sew a nutsack onto the doe's hindquarters, too.

Which raises a question in my mind; hunters, could you tell me what happens when hunter shoots a hermaphrodite deer? Does (s)he get to choose the gender when confronted by the game wardens? Do you get charged with two deer instead of one? How exactly does this work?

And, of course, this whole story reminds me of another famous deer conversion kit:

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