Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eventually, Of Course, The Salt Shakers Will Go.

In Manchester, UK, "health chiefs" (WTF is a "health chief?") have substituted salt shakers with fewer holes for the ones commonly used in fish & chip shops.

The "health chiefs" think that this will reduce salt usage in the chip shops and lead to better health among the patrons.

This is very similar to the Congressional interference with toilets here in the US: Congress mandated a change to low-capacity 1-gallon toilet tanks as a water-saving measure; the toilets, unable to flush the contents of the bowl like the old 3-gallon toilets, clogged up, and soon people realized that they'd have to flush 2 or three times to get the same result.

Such will happen with the salt experiment. People will stand for it at first, until they realize they are being manipulated; then they'll take countermeasures, either by shaking the shaker for a longer period, or even by punching holes in the cap to facilitate better salt flow. Eventually, of course, a busybody and interfering government will simply try and ban salt shakers from the chip shops; see how well that goes down.

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