Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fun With Sheep

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h/t The Agitator.


  1. Oh my, oh my...what a great video!


  2. Very impressive video.

    And while waiting to watch, I couldn't help but read your profile snippet. Ever been to Mecca or Medina?

  3. zimdog: Mecca and Medina are off-limits to non-Muslims. Were I to go there I would very likely be killed by the inhabitants, or at the very least be jailed for my blasphemy. Which is the point I am trying to make with that snippet.

  4. Word. So, where does an agnostic go to get killed by a Christian? The Vatican? Texas?

  5. Zimdog, you know full well that Christians don't kill unbelievers as part of their religion, unlike Muslims, who are specifically charged to do so in the Koran. Don't play moral equivalency games with me. All of the things that the Left says it hates about Christians (intolerance, bigotry, etc) are found in spades in Islam.

  6. I was just joshin' around a bit, but it seems I've struck a nerve. Thus, I must respond at great length because I am a thinker and have much to say on the topic, because as an agnostic myself, I can actually play unbiased judge.

    I noticed you running a bias against the Koran. Aren't there also prescriptions for killing in the Bible? By forgetting this, you were being unfair to those Muslims who are every bit as compassionate as their good Christian counterparts. All believers must choose what parts of their holy book to interpret as the literal instructions for living. A believer who can balance rational thought with intuitive belief should understand that Mecca is a spiritual place, open to any who would be spiritual there, including Christians. Anyone thinking otherwise is not receiving his or her instructions from God (in any form).

    Humans are becoming much more reasonable creatures than we were when we invented holy scriptures. We're coming to understand that to kill another human being requires a real reason, not just doing it because "the book told me to." That's the excuse of a spiritually weak person. This is why I remain agnostic, so my life is not dictated to me by static words in a book of belief. With agnosticism, some members of our species are returning to an evolutionary point when we each decide for ourselves what God says, rather than simply taking someone else's word for it.

    I also noticed you slinging around some pretty weighty words of belief, primarily "the Left." I didn't know politics had become involved with religion... unless you're keeping track of the endless supply of evangelical moralists (from the Left & Right), who have, for more than a century at least, been pressing their own evangelical morals as a form of legal gospel (hence all the consensual crime laws bogging down our lexicon). This is, of course, despite the First Constitutional Amendment clear;y stating that freedom of religion includes freedom from the oppressive force of any one particular religion (in our case, Christianity's clear ownership of the US government and its practices, once again evidenced by the election and re-election of a President on key moral issues of sway, in particular gay marriage in 2004).

    Furthermore, to respond to you statement that "Christians don't kill unbelievers as part of their religion," you're right. They don't. Instead, a "secular" government run predominantly by Christians wages capitalist ventures in Muslim territory, which are certainly not Holy Wars because the ones really benefiting are the corporate devils who make millions and billions by billing out the lives of American soldiers, based on the war declaration of an evangelical Christian President who believes in the Apocalypse. Of course, the second part is just a coincidence. Such deeply-ingrained religious beliefs don't invade government here like they do in Iran. No, here in America, in this day and age, money is still the most powerful god.

    How's that for agnostic? If there is a God, I hope It comes down here soon and lets the new prophet know before all these feverish religions become the end of us all.


Don't use my blog to sell your products, whether it be goods, services, or Islam. Don't insult me or other commenters. Other than that I'm pretty tolerant.