Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How The Mighty Have Fallen

Here's Barry Gibb of the Bee-Gees:

Remember once upon a time when Babs Streisand was so hot for him that she put him on an album cover?

*snort* Bwaaa haaa haaa!


  1. Tell me you didn't scan this from your own CD collection.

    Barry may look rough, but he can buy his way to happiness.

    I know personally, that the good looking dudes of 1980 now look like their Dad. I just have more hair.

  2. Barco: Nope, never was a Babs fan to begin with, and when she turned into a whining, in-your-face liberal activist, she guaranteed I'd never buy her stuff. I don't support obnoxious liberals with my hard-earned dollars if it's at all possible.


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