Friday, March 13, 2009

Murder By Helicopter?

Looks like anti-hunting forces in UK are using helicopters to decapitate fox hunters.

Murder Weapon?

Update A commenter mentions that the vehicle in question should be referred to as a gyrocopter rather than a helicopter. The article makes that distinction, too. I think that most Americans on seeing such a vehicle will call it a helicopter, foregoing (as I did) fine distinctions.


  1. Isn't that a gyrocopter?

  2. leoncaruthers: I may be mistaken, but I think that most Americans, at least, don't differentiate between helicopters and gyrocopters. I know I never have. Thanks for the comment, though, I will mention it in an update.

  3. Somehow, I have a suspicion the pilot's only regret is being possibly charged.......

  4. Maybe the hunters should add skeet to their repertoire. Only skeet with 00 buck. Which would make flying the gyrocopter a bit dicier. Just saying, is all.


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