Friday, March 13, 2009

Oh, Sure.

"Vikings were 'model immigrants who lived happily alongside Ancient Britons.'"

Yeah, I bet the Britons were just enthralled with their new neighbors.



  1. The Vikings got their reputation, not so much for being significantly more bloodthirsty than other cultures of the day, but by having not converted to Christianity and raiding churches and monasteries in an era when it was the Church who was writing the histories. "Thrall" is only one of the words that English got from them - almost any word beginning with "sk" was also theirs. No surprise these include skid, skate and ski.

    There was a lot of intermingling between Norse, Celtic and Gallic cultures. Just look at the art as one example. A lot of Vikings settled in Ireland and served as mercenaries to the High Kings and provided the ships used to raid England. Not that they were exactly peaceable sorts, but not more violent than their neighbors just more adventurous.

    By the standards of the day, I'd say that a trading network that ran from Greenland to Constantinople counts as a fairly high achievement. Of course all these opinions are based on bias. Mine come from reading the sagas rather than the accounts of the clerics.

  2. The Viking museum at York is typical PC rose-colored (excuse me: "rose-coloured") BS about this.

    Ask the kings of Mercia.

  3. It couldn't be that someone is trying to normalize the radical Islamics in Britain, could it?

  4. TOTWTYTR, I'd rather have Vikings for neighbors. Sure, the bastard might steal your cow and then challenge you to a duel for calling him a thief, but he wouldn't be blowing stuff up and claiming God had ordered it.


Don't use my blog to sell your products, whether it be goods, services, or Islam. Don't insult me or other commenters. Other than that I'm pretty tolerant.