Friday, March 20, 2009

The Really Terrible Twos

Authorities in Lincolnshire, UK, are threatening a two-year-old boy with an Anti-Social Behavior Order (ASBO).

Precocious little tyke, isn't he? ASBO's are used to indentify bad kids and are a sort of identifying badge for budding criminals.

You don't know whether to laugh or cry at a story like this. Is the government going overboard and abusing its authority? Is the child such a little hellion than nothing else will suffice?

Seems to me if he's misbehaving he just needs a good spanking or two, but what do I know?

1 comment:

  1. Because it's easier to make criminals of people who won't fight back than it is to arrest real criminals. Or God forbid, real terrorists.

    Neither little Lennon, his sisters, nor his Mom are likely to blow up a subway station or behead someone. Unlike some other people who really are anti social.

    Besides, it makes it look as if the cops are actually doing something.


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