Thursday, October 06, 2011

Samir Khan's Family's Statement

The family of Samir Khan, an Al-Qaeda propagandist who was killed earlier this week along with Anwar al-Awliki, has issued a statement about his death:

The Khan family's statement, released Wednesday:

We, the family of Samir Khan, in our time of grief and mourning, request that the media let us have our peace and privacy during this difficult time.

It has been stated in the media that Samir was not the target of the attack; however no U.S. official has contacted us with any news about the recovery of our son’s remains, nor offered us any condolences.

As a result, we feel appalled by the indifference shown to us by our government.

Being a law-abiding citizen of the United States, our late son Samir Khan never broke any law and was never implicated of any crime. The Fifth Amendment states that no citizen shall be 'deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law' yet our government assassinated two of its citizens.

Was this style of execution the only solution? Why couldn’t there have been a capture and trial?

Where is the justice? As we mourn our son, we must ask these questions.


The Khan Family

Remains? Well, maybe we can scrape something up:

Hi, Ma, I'm Back! Didja Miss Me? The Missile Sure Didn't!

More here.

1 comment:

  1. They quote the amendment re: due process....have they not heard about "formenting treason"?

    Seems like their spawn got what he deserved...becasue he was involved in treasonous activity.



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