Friday, May 16, 2008

Edwards Not Ruling Out Role In Obama Administration.

John Edwards is being coy about joining a Barack Obama administration. Doesn't want to be VP, but doesn't rule out a role.

See my earlier prediction.

VP is only for eight years. Supreme Court justice is for the rest of his life, and the potential for far more mischief.


  1. I didn't realize 'ambulance chaser' was the sort of sound legal expertise we were looking for in a Supreme...

    Given that Harriet Meier was so quickly given the boot, I have hope that this won't happen. Given that the GOP has completely gone into the toilet, that we're likely to lose a conservative majority in Congress next election cycle, and that Washington has gone completely BATSHIT INSANE, I see him getting a nomination shortly.

    Sorry for the language, I just can't think of any other way to put it.

  2. The difference between Harriet Myers is that the Republican/Conservative base didn't want such a person on the Supreme Court, whereas Edwards is exactly the sort of populist liberal that leftists yearn to have on the Court. Myers didn't fit because Republicans wanted someone qualified; Edwards does because Democrats want someone who will be a liberal activist.


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