Sunday, July 20, 2008

Chloe Marshall 2nd Place In Miss England Pageant

Hoodah Thunkit Redux!

Looks as if she's put on a few pounds since photos taken earlier this spring. She really could stand to lose a bit of weight, but she's really cute. Appropriately enough, she wants to be an opera singer.



Anonymous said...

Stop with whole "she need to lose a few" stuff already. She is beautiful from head to toe. She doesn't have to be skinny to be more beautiful. Just accept her for what she is.

Bob said...

Max, it's obvious I find her attractive or I wouldn't have posted the story and her picture. I said nothing about her having to be skinny. Since I have a weight problem myself, I know how easy it is to add pounds and how hard to take them off, and it's much easier to stay fit that it is to get fit once you've let yourself go.

disasters.bitch said...

Wow... So I completely missed this whole thing two years ago, but I find she's really gorgeous just the way she is... In fact, I think she's my new role model. :)