Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rota Naval Base In The News

The US Naval Base at Rota, Spain, is in the news:

The Navy base and hospital in Rota, Spain, will be the primary go-to location for servicemembers freed after being held as prisoners of war or hostages while carrying out missions in Africa, officials said.

Rota was selected as U.S. Africa Command’s primary reintegration location because of Spain’s geographical proximity to Africa, and because the base’s airfield and hospital are within a mile of each other.

My daughter Amber was born in that hospital, as a matter of fact. It's a nice base, and the local Spanish population is friendly. Only problem is property crime; as is the case everywhere else in Spain, most buildings end up with bars on the windows and multiple door locks to prevent break-ins. We personally were burglarized once, and stopped a second break-in on another occasion by coming home early.

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