Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Age Was The Final Straw

Monty Python John Cleese could handle his girlfriend talking about his hair plugs and new teeth, probably, but finding out that she was 45 when she claimed to be 27 was the final straw.

After all, if you're 69 years old and going around with a sweet young thing, you want her to be a sweet young thing.

Old Enough To Be Daughter, Not Granddaughter.


  1. There's no fool like an old fool.

  2. If he thought THAT was 27, he needs to have a talk with his optometrist as well...

  3. I notice a bottle of HP sauce and an inhaler.

    And I think she's hot!

  4. Well, you and I are both sailors, so our judgment is suspect. Cleese presumably has a more jaundiced eye when it comes to women.

    Or, perhaps, old guys just get off on the youth thing, in a sort of vampirish way. The younger, the better.

  5. JayG, you took the words out of my mouth.

    She's not 27, but she'd do.


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