Monday, January 12, 2009

Blog Note

Blogging might be light for the next few days, I'm involved in getting my mother into a permanent care facility.

The broken hip seems to have caused a sea change in my mother. Before the break she could walk, slowly, with the help of a walker, could feed herself, could use the toilet, and her mind was about 90% clear. Well, 80%.

Now, after the broken hip, she seems to have given up on any attempt to walk again, and her mind has clouded up quite a bit, she seems to be about 50-60% clearminded these days. I think that she's decided that she doesn't have to make any more effort, and simply wants to rest and be kept clean while she waits for death to arrive. I don't know how long that might be, as she is fundamentally healthy, but attitude has a lot to do with survival rates among seniors, and she doesn't seem to want to fight any longer, although she is still frightened at the prospect of dying.


  1. I hope you and your mom have some better days. It's tough to have to be involved with these kinds of situations, and it reminds each of us at the fragility of own lives.

    All the best to you and your mom.

  2. wow, i don't envy you that...but you're a good son. best to her and you.

  3. You have my sympathy. I have a similar problem with my Mom and it's a Lose/Lose situation for sure. No matter what you do you have to struggle with the guilt because it's never good enough.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  4. Hang in there Bob. We're pulling and praying for you and your mom.

  5. Anything available in your area for services/activities she might be interested in? It seems to me than many elderly people lose personal drive as their social circles shrink, depriving them of personal interaction and mental/emotional stimulation. Perhaps some type of group-based physical therapy activities with people recovering from comparable surgeries?

    Hope you see an upturn in your mother's well-being soon.

  6. Thank all of you for the kind comments. They are much appreciated.

  7. All the best Rob; sorry about your Mum, it's a tough time for you both.


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