Saturday, January 17, 2009

"Captain Cool"

That's how the UK Daily Mail is describing Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III, the pilot of the USAirways plane that landed in New York's Hudson River.

Can an appearance on Saturday Night Live tonight be in the works? Will he run for office? Is he a lightbringer? When will the TV movie air?

It's just a matter of time before a reaction sets in and the media turn on him, because we just can't have unvarnished heroes in this country anymore, they all have to be flawed in some way. We need to know that he's mean to his wife and kids, or kicks his dog, or something horrible.

I wonder if any of the passengers will be naming a child Chesley in the captain's honor?

And if President Bush summoned Captain Sullenberger to the White House to give him a medal, the media would grouse about it, saying that the award should really be given by Obama, not a loser like Bush.

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