Friday, January 23, 2009

'E's Stunned.

A Missouri man hunting for deer didn't make sure of his kill, and paid the price.

Apparently there's a YouTube video. I won't link that one, but instead will link a favorite Monty Python bit about dead and not-quite-dead:


  1. I don't know if statistics are still kept on the subject, but years ago you'd read the annual reports of the number of hunters taken down by deer. Apparently those antler thingies on the deer's head are not mere ornamentation. And they aren't at all careful about causing injury with them against a predator (us).

    When deer fight one another, they lock horns and wrestle. Against wolves, humans and other creatures, they will rake and disembowel.

  2. He must have shot the deer from very short range and still missed with a 270? Perhaps another sport would be a good plan.


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