Wednesday, January 21, 2009

If The Political Party Is Omitted, It's A Democrat

From The Handbook For Editors Of US Newspapers and News Broadcasts:

Rule Seven: When reporting on a political scandal, bury the story if the subject is a Democrat, and feature it above the fold on page one if it is a Republican. If you can't avoid writing about the scandal because of its public nature, be sure to omit party affiliation if the subject is a Democrat, and mention the party affiliation in the headline and lede paragraph if the subject is a Republican.

The Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, has resigned his office after being arrested for soliciting sex with an underage girl. Mayor Becker is a DEMOCRAT.

Mayor Becker is yet another member of NY Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun coalition.

update: linked by David Codrea at The War On Guns. Thanks, David!

1 comment:

  1. When I pick up a newspaper or load a news web page and don't see either "Democrat" OR "Republican" anywhere - and don't read stories of the latest scheme for either one to rob me or kill me - then I might begin to believe that America is the land of the free again.

    The problem isn't one or the other type politician. Government of either flavor is not the solution - it is the problem.


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