Friday, January 16, 2009

Making A List And Checking It Twice...

...helps prevent mistakes during surgeries, a study has found.

Data suggests that mistakes can be reduced up to 50% by using checklists during surgical procedures.

You'd think that they would have been using them all along...

1 comment:

  1. Something I learned long ago, every job, every task, has an associated checklist. Whether it is written or not there is a set of procedures, inspections, actions that will best complete that job.

    No amount of experience or knowledge or training can shorten or change that list, it can only shorten the amount of time necessary for the completion of each step or allow you to memorize more of the list before referring back to it.

    I just work of broke music equipment, it is relatively simple compared to surgery.

    You would think that even surgeons were humble enough to recognize this fact.


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