Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Message Is Sent*


From: The New York Times
To: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Subject: Guns

Senator Gillibrand: Fall in line with the orthodox Democratic and New York Times position on guns or be destroyed. This is the only warning you will receive. If you do not disassociate yourself from the National Rifle Association forthwith, we will do everything in our power to see that your career in the US Senate is limited to the period for which Governor Patterson appointed you. We will endorse your opponents in the Senate primary and have our team of expert reporters aid in their opposition research efforts. You may expect to see editorials such as the one linked above on a regular basis, and our columnists will be given their assignments to ridicule you and make your life a living hell.

Kind Regards,

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr.

*this is called "satire." The sentiment it expresses, however, is not. The NY Times fully intends to destroy Sen. Gillibrand if she doesn't modify her views on gun ownership to comply with the Brady Campaign, the anti-gun Democrat Party, and the Lightbringer.


  1. I wonder how much of this is about her politics (NRA), and how much is about the NYT's publisher having an affair with Caroline Kennedy?

  2. They start off with an invitation to "grow in office." Then offer a fig leaf. Then they pull the reverse-Palin on Caroline Kennedy.

    What a slippery blob of journalism. I used to hack up things like that when I smoked to much.

  3. Ted: I hadn't even considered that aspect of it. Pinch has a personal interest in taking Gillibrand down, doesn't he? That will make it that much sweeter for him.


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