Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Then The Chef Said Børk Børk Børk!

A robber encountered more than he could handle when he tried to rob a restaurant and came face-to-face with a chef armed with a spoon.

The chef hit Geraci on the helmet with a large metal spoon, and the spoon broke in half, according to the complaint.

The chef then grabbed Geraci, put him in a headlock, dislodged the helmet and wrestled him to the floor. A customer and Tess helped pin Geraci down until police arrived, the complaint says.

Minor on Monday said he at first didn't realize Geraci was robbing the restaurant. He said he went after Geraci because Geraci had an employee by the arm.

Good thing Geraci was wearing a helmet when the chef clouted him with the spoon.

They don't provide a photo of the chef, but I have to guess he looks like this:

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