Thursday, January 22, 2009

What About Lawn Darts?

Children should be allowed to break their legs, knock themselves out and eat poisonous plants as a normal part of growing up, according to official guidance.

A Government document says local councils should build playgrounds and parks that may "increase the likelihood of injuries".

They are told to ignore the qualms of "the most anxious parents" because children must learn how to manage risks as part of their natural physical and social development.

It says allowing young people to fall three metres should be permitted and the tiny risk of drowning is "tolerable" when building paddling pools.

The advice - in a paper by Play England and the Department for Children, Schools and Families - comes amid concerns some play areas are being made too safe because of "fear of litigation and a wider blame culture".

This sounds surreal.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, they don't Paratroopers fall three meters without a chute.

    Now, if these are suggestions for the Brixton playgrounds, fine.

    Gotta make the junior jihadists tough!


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