Sunday, January 04, 2009

Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm: Much Ado About Nothing?

Comments from "A top Hawaii-based volcanologist" at US News & World Report:

The odds of a big caldera forming eruption at Yellowstone are really infinitesimal during our lifetime. While the Discovery channel documentary did a fair job of portraying how an eruption might come down, it also did a better job of whipping up anxiety about a very unlikely event. You would be much more productive hiding in your closet avoiding lightning than worrying about a Yellowstone eruption.

The last rhyolite lava eruption was 80,000 years ago or so, that's 8 times as long as human civilization and represents roughly half the time modern humans have existed, just to put in perspective. Humans tend to be a bit egocentric thinking that all this stuff is happening to them personally, when it's just happening as part of nature.

I wonder why "A top Hawaii-based volcanologist" couldn't be bothered to be named and hid under anonymity. Let's ask Doc Holliday:

Are you a lawman, Wyatt Earp? You are not wearing a badge, are you ashamed of yo' profession? (From the movie Wyatt Earp, 1994)

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