Monday, February 02, 2009

Frank James Nails It

"I view the entire British Isles now as one somewhat large, but heavily regulated Penal Colony."

24 hour surveillance is now the rule rather than the exception wherever you go and the attitude of the authorities is they have the 'right' to investigate as well as intrude into any aspect of your personal life for any reason. None of which needs to be explained. There is even a program now where the 'authorities' are entering people's homes unannounced and without need of a warrant to make sure the residents are deposing of their left-overs from the dining room table 'properly'.

Gun related crimes are at an all time high in the Midlands and now you can go to jail for possessing a knife in public with various 'offensive' features. Self-defense is a concept as foreign to their legal system and as 'integrity' is to any life long politician. Failure is a word that comes to my mind immediately whenever someone casually mentions England, Britain or the United Kingdom in any conversation. I find it so sad.

Read the whole thing.

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