Thursday, March 05, 2009

Dwelling In The Second Manliest City In The USA


The top five were Nashville, Charlotte, Oklahoma City, Cincinnati and Denver.

Why did Nashville come out on top? "Nashville grabbed the top spot in the ranking thanks to its high number of NASCAR enthusiasts, popularity of hunting and fishing, and concentration of barbecue restaurants."

New York City came in dead last. What characteristics contributed to a bad score? "Cities lost ranking points for "emasculating" characteristics like the abundance of home furnishing stores, high minivan sales and subscription rates to beauty magazines."

I don't have any interest in NASCAR, but hunting, fishing and barbecue restaurants? Wooo!


  1. Go OK City!

    We're number Three!

    Yea Haw Baby!

  2. It's not a beauty mag, but the Mrs. and I kind of like "Garden and Gun." A little snooty, but they always have very nice shots of over/under or some such.

  3. What about other "emasculating" metrics; high rates of tofu and been sprout sales, high number of plastic surgeons, low sales of red meat and liquor, more Kenny G radio stations than Hendrix?
    America wants to know.

  4. cbullitt: I think that the cities on the bottom of the list, the least manliest, would probably meet those requirements.


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