Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Save Your Life, Lose Your Job

Chris Miller, a Pizza Hut delivery driver working in Columbia, South Carolina, is still alive but now has no job after he shot and killed one of three robbers who was beating him while he was delivering a pizza.

Miller has been robbed twice before while delivering pizzas, and had acquired a CCW license and a Taurus .45, which he carried in a fanny pack.

The local District Attorney, Donnie Myers, doesn't plan to file charges: "If you’re bringing a pizza and they’re whipping your butt, you’ve got reason to shoot them,” Myers said.

Which is an important thing to note in this case. As a CCW holder, Miller did nearly everthing right in this encounter. He got training and acquired a CCW license, and chose a handgun with good stopping power. When attacked he tried to retreat, and only pulled his gun when it appeared that his one assailant was about to be joined by accomplices. Although the three robbers were unarmed, their youth and numbers created a disparity in force that further justified lethal force by Miller. Miller fired two shots into the main assailant, Paul Sturgill, Jr. This stopped the attack and caused the accomplices to flee. Miller then called 911.

Miller wasn't fired by Pizza Hut, but resigned voluntarily, realizing that he broke company policy. He probably should have made Pizza Hut fire him so that he could collect unemployment benefits, but Miller appears to be a law-abiding and honorable man and probably isn't interested in such things right now.

So, one dead goblin, 3 more goblins headed to prison, the good guy alive but out of a job. Overall, society benefits, as explained by Sheriff James Metts: “This sends a loud message to the criminal element — you don’t know who’s going to be armed and who’s not going to be armed when you go to rob someone.”

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