Monday, April 06, 2009

Did You Put The Hammer Down On That Seatcover, Rubber Duck?

The FBI thinks that truckers are responsible for serial killings along US highways.

WASHINGTON, April 5 (UPI) -- The FBI has been looking for patterns in killings along U.S. highways, suspecting that some long-haul truck drivers are responsible for many of them.

The victims include prostitutes, hitchhikers and women whose cars have broken down, the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday. Agents working out of an office in Virginia study killings, looking for patterns.

"You've got a mobile crime scene," one investigator said. "You can pick a girl up on the East Coast, kill her two states away and then dump her three states after that."


  1. @Barco: *nods* I know there have been trucker serial killers in the past, but didn't bother looking up the name. I used to read lots of books on the subject, often paperbacks with black covers and lurid red fonts, usually written by Ann Rule.

    Hell, back when Charlotte had its own serial killer, Henry Louis Wallace, I was aware at the time that one was operating but figured that the police were competent to make the connection. They weren't. We had another serial killer here in town who disposed of corpses at a junkyard/landfill of some sort, forget his name. We still have at least one uncaptured serial rapist at large.

    I stopped reading that stuff, it warps your thinking, to the point that if you see vultures circling off the side of the Interstate, you immediately think of a corpse rather than a dead animal.


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