Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hotel Work: The Continuing Series

This week our hotel is playing host to caddies and cook staff from a major PGA golf tournament. We did this last year, as well. The caddies are mostly well-behaved, but there are a few bad apples in every bunch. Last year I nearly got into a fistfight with a caddy who accused me of not giving him his wakeup call; he had arrived at the hotel from the golf course at 1 in the morning, drunk, and asked for a wakeup at 3, two hours later. Of course, being drunk he slept through the wakeup calls, which are computerized and ring the room at five-minute intervals for a total of three calls, 10 rings per call.

This morning I discovered two drunken caddies passed out in the halls on the second and fourth floors, one of them pawing feebly in his own vomit. I went and got my camera to take photos for the management; when I returned, the drunk on the second floor was gone, but the drunk on the fourth floor was still passed out, although he had crawled away from the vomit, presumably not liking the smell.

I'm sorry, but I can't post the photos here, as much as I would like to. If you've seen one pukey drunk, though, you've seen them all.

Ah, well. One more night and the weekend is here.

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