Thursday, April 23, 2009

Macedonian Body Type?

A painfully thin woman became a contestant in Miss Universe.

Meanwhile, Miss Universe Australia director Deborah Miller managed to stir up more controversy when she put Miss Miss Naumoska's weight down to a 'Macedonian body type'.

'This girl has Macedonian heritage and if you had been there you would know it is a Macedonian body type,' she said.

'They have long, lithe bodies and small bones. It is their body type. So she does not have an eating disorder.'

Nutritionist Susie Burrell said there was no such thing as a Macedonian body type.

'There is no evidence published anywhere to back up that assertion.' she said.

Sounds a lot like the Norwegian Blue Parrot, noted for its beautiful plumage.

Anyway, here's a pic of the bonesack contestant:

So let's have a poll!

Would You Hit It?
Damn straight I'd hit it.
Not even with my worst enemy's dick.
Only if she approves of gay marriage
I'd hit a knothole if I had a pair of tweezers for splinters. free polls

Update:I wondered why all the new visitors today, and it looks as if I struck gold with my blog post title:


  1. Certainly not my first pick, but would definitely hit it.

  2. Being willing to hit it and thinking she's good looking are not the same thing.

  3. @TOTWTYTR: You know, I think you have a point there.


  4. I'd hit it. I'd also feed her a sammich afterward.

  5. @Ambulance Driver: Thanks for stopping by, AD! Happy to have you as a reader.

  6. First of all, I'd have a hoon on that. The only problem being, obviously, your penis would scrape on the bed, or fallen shrubbery, depending on where this takes place.
    Secondly, I agree with TOTWTYTR, "Being willing to hit it and thinking she's good looking are not the same thing." Skinny girls are tragic, I have no idea why the fashion industry allows such fuckery.
    Thirdly, Deborah Miller is a complete cumslut if she thinks the girls weight and shape can be down to heritage, because I know of many males who'd rather fist one out than waste semen in that chick. Skinny girls aren't hot. You might as well shag a sack of crying lepers.

  7. Well done! You won the Internet!


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