Monday, April 27, 2009

Oops, Sorry About That

The idiot in the White House sends a jumbo jet chased by F-16's through lower Manhattan, without bothering to tell the residents of the city:

*shakes head in disgust*

h/t Instapundit.


  1. Yeah, I read that in the paper earlier. What were they thinking? Unbelievable, the people in the high-rises must have been sh$@#ing themselves.

  2. @Geoff: *nods* and if this had been Bush who had pulled this stunt, the news shows would already be calling for him to be impeached.

  3. Looks like the terrorists aren't the only ones who can make man-made disasters.


    But Bush's a moron. Or something.

  4. I saw the video. Nothing you can do, running will only make you die tired.

    I would have stood and hoped the F-16 was gonna make a good kill.


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