Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Should There Be Ideological Litmus Tests In Beauty Pageants?

At the Miss USA contest, it appears that Miss California, Carrie Prejean, lost the pageant when she answered a politically-charged question in a way that the judge and audience didn't approve of.

When asked by gay blogger/gossipmonger Perez Hilton if she supported gay marriage and thought that it should be the law of the land, Prejean answered in the negative, saying that marriage should be between a man and a woman. Hilton has been openly hostile since, and the audience was openly hostile, as well. The obvious conclusion is that Hilton asked the question for purpose of ideological litmus test, and Miss Prejean failed it.

Let's Poll:

Should Beauty Pageant Contestants Be Subject To An Ideological Litmus Test?
Yes. We can't have bigots or extremists representing the USA
No. It's just a beauty pageant, for chrissake.
pollcode.com free polls

1 comment:

  1. Your poll left out an option - "Yes, we should be represented by someone with a moral compass and the courage to stand by it."


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