Friday, April 24, 2009

Susan Boyle's Inevitable Makeover Pic


Here's the pic:

You can't really blame her. For the last two weeks all that has been discussed is how grotesque she looks in contrast to her angelic voice. No one's ego can withstand that sort of constant criticism, so she's more than justified in trying to improve her appearance. It looks as if she's off to a good start.


  1. She looks fine. People really should get off her ass about looks.

  2. You know I've had a funny feeling about this whole "ugly duckling sings like a swan" episode....
    Wasn't it this time last year when "they" found some unassuming guy that could sing opera like angels?
    This whole situation smacks of "isnt it wonderful, we prejudged and ...blah, blah, blah..."
    Sorry, but my curmudgeon meter is pegged at max. I just think that show needed a ratings boost and they are playing us for fools.
    Damn British!

