Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thar's Gold In That Thar Ash

Cashing in on the eruptions at Redoubt Volcano, Alaska.

While many folks in Southcentral Alaska found reason to duck and cover from impending ash fall three weeks ago, others took the opportunity to look on the bright side and embark on some eBay entrepreneurial efforts with the fallout from Mt. Redoubt's largest eruption so far.

Hadley said he has sold ash to customers in New York, California and even Juneau. And when asked why people seem so interested in the item, he claims it’s from being a “headline item.”
“People see it on FOX News or CNN and want a little piece of it,” he said. “I collected [the ash] off my truck, scraping it off with a 5-by-7 index card and saving it in several plastic containers. I must have close to 30 pounds of the stuff.”
Other opportunists have jumped on the Redoubt bandwagon also, and are selling pounds of the stuff for $250. Others fashion brass earrings containing small bottles of the ash to sell as jewelry.
But Hadley said he’s the only seller with a “Certificate Of Authenticity” that he feels adds to the attractiveness of his auction.

Ok, so here's this chillbilly hick from Alaska, selling dirt to people with more money than common sense. And you effete blue-staters call him stupid?

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