Tuesday, April 07, 2009

That's Right, Take It Out On Moses

A man in Worcester, Massachusetts, angry that a court clerk would not allow him to renew his driver's license because of an unpaid speeding ticket, took his anger out on a plaster statue of Moses, toppling it to the ground.

The man allegedly took his frustration out on the biblical lawmaker with a uniformed state trooper standing about 15 feet away. Trooper James Ellis told the Telegram & Gazette that the man appeared "very agitated, very upset."

You notice that the man chose to take his anger out on a statue rather than a state trooper, who unlike a statue, was likely to defend himself against a violent attack.

1 comment:

  1. This agitated person was so focused on his rage...

    I did a ten yard burn out in a 1971 Buick, 30 years ago and I was 20 yards from a Highway Patrolman. I didn't notice him, either.

    Funny, in both instances!


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