Monday, April 20, 2009

Today's Nugget of Humor

Found in a Daily Mail story about Prince Philip, the Prince Consort of Queen Elizabeth II:

The list of princely experiments is a long one. The Duke installed some of Britain's first solar panels on the Sandringham estate. There was his electric van for driving round London (decades later, the Government is now encouraging us to follow suit). 'It was very odd driving around in this entirely silent vehicle which would suddenly stop unannounced,' recalls an aide.

Today, the van has retired to a Sandringham garage while the Duke uses a gas-powered London taxi as his urban runaround. Up on the Sandringham estate, he is trying an experiment underground - Britain's first royal truffle farm.

It may end in failure - like the exploding manure machine which was supposed to produce methane gas for Windsor - but the Duke is always keen to give things a go.

Nobody in Windsor castle farts?

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