Monday, April 20, 2009

US Army: We Hate Berets


Soldiers have discovered that berets might look cool, but ain't.

SEOUL — They’re hot, sweaty and do nothing to keep the sun out of your eyes during a long formation.

Those are just a few of the reasons the Army should stop making soldiers wear wool berets outdoors, a group of delegates said Friday at the 8th Army’s annual Army Family Action Plan conference.

"Everyone is affected by the beret," said Sgt. Brad Stuckey, spokesman for a group that studied family-support issues. "This is an issue that your average soldier feels very strongly about."

The group recommended that soldiers be required to wear lighter, cotton-nylon blend patrol caps instead. They block the sun, absorb sweat and are somewhat water resistant, Stuckey said.

Soldiers had a list of complaints about the black beret. Among them:

* It doesn’t match the Army Combat Uniform, which has no black in its pattern.
* It has to be shaved, washed and dried on a lampshade or hat stand to hold its shape.
* It can cost nearly twice as much as a patrol cap, and there’s no standard way to wear it.

"You have seven people wearing it seven different ways," said Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jon Butler.

He said people have complained about the beret since it became part of the uniform in 2001.

The neverending battle between form and function continues.


  1. Another reason the Marines are superior. They all have the same headgear. And wear it the same way.

  2. I've hated those damn things since the first day I've had one. Useless piece of crap, AND you still have to carry around the patrol cap in case you go somewhere / do something where the precious thing might become soiled, god forbid.


    Marines don't wear them 'cause there isn't anything to grab onto when they screw them onto their heads :P


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