Monday, April 06, 2009

Volcano Blog: Living With A Nearby Volcano

Alaskans in Anchorage learn about co-existence with an active volcano.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - Mount Redoubt is getting under the skin of Alaska, and it's not just the irritation caused by volcanic ash.

For residents of Alaska's largest city, living near an active volcano means sometimes wearing air-filtration masks and stretching panty hose over the air intake of cars and trucks.

The volcano also brings daily uncertainty about whether it will blow and, if it does, where the ash will go.

"I would like it to have a big boom and get it over with," said Brad Sandison, a retired truck driver and avid cyclist who carries a face mask and goggles whenever he rides just in case the volcano starts spewing ash.

Sort of a fatalistic approach: Just explode already!

h/t The Drudge Report

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