Thursday, May 07, 2009

I'd Definitely See That Movie

The Hero stands in front of a firing squad. By most accounts, the new dictator and his younger brother are present at the execution; by some accounts, so is a rather creepy, long-haired fellow who speaks in the sing-song accent of a faraway country.

The executioner orders the Hero to kneel; the Hero answers:

“I kneel before no man.”

They riddle one of the Hero’s knees with machine-gun fire. He staggers but props himself up on one leg. They riddle the other knee with machine-gun fire, and only now does the Hero fall to his knees.

They fire at his shoulders and knock him onto his back.

The executioner, carrying the pistol with which he will deliver the kill shot, approaches the dying Hero and taunts him, “See, we made you kneel.”

The Hero’s last words: “I didn’t kneel.”

The executioner, knowing he can deliver death but not dishonor to the Hero, angrily fires multiple shots into the Hero’s skull, destroying the Hero’s noble face.

William Morgan, the Hero. True Story. The dictator, his brother and the brutal longhair? Fidel & Raul Castro and Ché Guevara.

Such a movie would not be made in modern Hollywood, obviously, to our eternal shame.

h/t Big Hollywood.

Here's a pic of Morgan, by the way:

He even looks like a hero, doesn't he?

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