Monday, May 18, 2009

Message In A Bottle: Recovered!

I mentioned in this post that I launched a message in a bottle from the fishing pier in Carolina Beach, North Carolina on the 9th of May. I just received my letter back in the mail. The message was found on the 14th of May at 10:30 a.m. at Garden City Beach, South Carolina, which is south of Myrtle Beach. The condition of the bottle was perfect, no moisture from the journey. The following notes were written by the finder:

Weather was stormy on May 13 with high winds and extra high tide where bottle was found next morning.

No "thank you" for the $5 bill I enclosed in the bottle, although I'm of course grateful that the finder took the time to fill out the information and send the message back to me.

Here's a map of the launch and recovery points of the bottle:

Point A is the fishing pier at Carolina Beach, NC. Point B is the high tide line at Garden City Beach, SC.

100% recovery rate so far. I'm pleased as punch.


  1. stick a c-note in there and launch it a little further out into the gulfstream and it might make it down to our favorite fishing haunt at jupiter inlet, fla...and i promise a big thank ya! when i get it.

    wv: gracti heh, that's gotta be thank ya! in some kind of lingo

  2. @the pawnbroker: if I were to launch a bottle into the Gulf Stream it definitely wouldn't end up in Florida, since the Gulf Stream flows north. It might end up in Iceland or even Scotland, though, if I did.

    Nice try, though. :)


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