Friday, July 31, 2009

A Prayer To The Obamessiah

Janis Sharp, mother of Gary MacKinnon, a computer hacker who hacked into US Government computers, prays to President Obama to spare her son:

She said: 'Stand by us and make this world a better place, a more compassionate place.

'Obama wouldn't have this. He doesn't want the first guy extradited for computer misuse to be a guy with Asperger's, a UFO guy. He wouldn't want this.

'I'm just praying, please hear us, Obama, because I know you would do the right thing.

'I know you would have the strength to stand up and not have this.'

These people really do believe he's God, don't they?


  1. Color me unimpressed with the accused.

  2. @Borepatch: I read a lot of the UK newspapers and it's obvious to me that they have the same attitude toward crime and criminals that we did in the US back in the 60's and early 70's, more concerned with the rights of the accused than with victims, and more concerned with rehabilitation than with protecting the population.
