Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Too Stupid To Be In The Army

Army Specialist Marc Hall made a rap song about the Army's stop-loss program. In it, he threatened violence against his superior officers. Now he's in jail.

If you want to hear his stupid rap song, you can find it here.

I guess Hall is one of those people who slipped into the Army when standards were lowered and a high ASVAB score wasn't required because of wartime necessity. The stop-loss that Hall sings of is another wartime necessity. Too bad that Specialist Hall is apparently too stupid to understand that what is acceptable in civilian life isn't acceptable at all under military discipline. Maybe now he'll learn.


  1. That also applies to the Navy SEALS who beat up the terrorism suspect and then lied about it too, right, Bob? Military discipline holds them to a higher standard, correct?

  2. Good Lord! We can't say whatever we want to whoever we want in the military. What's this military coming to? Next they'll start banning the chronic! Fascists!

  3. @Wally: yes, Wally, that applies to the SEALs, too, although "beat up" is probably hyperbole on your part. From the accounts I read of that case the terrorist mouthed off and received a single punch in the mouth. Did you know that that particular terrorist is the one responsible for hanging several Blackwater contractors' burned bodies from an Iraqi bridge, and that it's very possible that those SEALs were former comrades of the Blackwater contractors, since Blackwater recruits from the special warfare community? In legal terms that's what's known as a "mitigating factor," Wally, and I hope you're not ready to have those SEALs sent to the brig and given Dishonorable Discharges because one of them belted a mouthy terrorist?

  4. No, Bob, and I certainly can sympathize with them and am not sure I wouldn't be tempted to do the same in their position. I'm thinking mainly of characterizations of their behavior and its repercussions by the right wing of the MSM.


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