Thursday, January 21, 2010

When The Salmon Return

Rivers in Wales that were dead from coal mining pollution are now so clean that salmon have returned and can be found from sea to headwaters.

A remarkable environmental success story, and the kind that really ought to get more attention, rather than the apocalyptic OMG we're all gonna die if we don't do something about glowball warming this week!


  1. Absolutely! Happy news for all! Happy! Happy! Happy!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh come on, Bob. Publicisning this sort of story makes people think that the situation isn't dire. That's not good for fundraising, or for the Democrat's beating up the Republicans.

  4. You mean like death panels and pulling the plug on Granny? Good point, Borepatch!

  5. Salmon return to the river they were hatched in.
    If that river was devoid of salmon because of pollution, how do salmon *know* they can go up their again?


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