Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Couple of Words Missing, Maybe?

Please read this article about a "religious conflict" between a Wake County, NC, teacher and her students, then tell me if you think a couple of very important words are missing that would make the story understandable. As it stands, the story is incomplete, possibly for reasons of political correctness.

I'll chime in with what those probable words are later, after giving readers a chance to guess them.


  1. Oh boy. No teacher should have such obvious buttons sticking out for children to push. Just not good for classroom survival - certainly not past 8th grade. They've got range and elevation on her.

    Anyone who calls it a hate crime if someone leaves her a Bible is too thin skinned for life in the free world, never mind a high school classroom. Yes, I'm going with "thin-skinned" rather than "militantly wrong-headed." Like House I go with the more treatable diagnosis first.

    I'd question the competence of anyone teaching biology who can't answer and dismiss the "what about God" questions of creation. "This is a Science class, here we deal with what has been observed and what we can draw from that. The other thing is a different class - I won't presume to tell you what to think about that."

    It isn't like an intelligent person would be blind-sided by that question. It's like been in the papers and stuff.

    As for any missing words, yeah. But those go to motive and motive is unimportant. What's important is we've got a teacher, who in addition to the usual and normal gripes about parental fuss is arguing with her students, wrongly accusing them of crimes and insulting them and their community. Worse is that she's doing this in a public forum; Stupid, petty and childish.

    It's her actions that are wrong whether motivated by political correctness, snobbery, Islam or a bad case of the propers.

  2. So leaving a Bible on a desk is considered a hate crime?!!?!
    What ever happened to freedom of speech and thought and all that jazz...that's supposedly protected!?!??
    Oh thats right, if it pertains to basic human rights and things that have been enumerated in the Constitution; then it must be wrong.


  3. Never heard what religion this paragon of patience and love is....wonder why.

  4. Ignoring your question (you know me, Bob), this quote from the article is incredible:

    Hussain also said she wouldn't let the Bible incident "go unpunished."

    Why is anyone who'd say this working in a classroom?


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