Monday, February 01, 2010

Gun Owners: Is This You?

Fun little cartoon found at the UK Daily Mail:

The reason I ask is for practical reasons: If you live your life like the man in the cartoon, then you could be prey to an unscrupulous district attorney in even the most righteous of self-defense shootings, especially if you are on record (as a blogger, for instance) as advocating criminal acts, such as shooting a suspect and then dragging his body across your threshold so that he is within your house and thus in a lawful self-defense zone, or shooting a subject after he is no longer a threat (down and unconscious, for example).

As much fun as it is to watch Clint Eastwood movies, for example, there's no way in hell I'll shoot someone for trespass ("Get off of my lawn!") unless I truly believe my life is in immediate danger. If you shoot someone because he makes a "furtive movement" and there is nothing in his hand but a comb, you can expect to have to justify your actions in a courtroom, and you don't want your blogger's bravado (I'll have his guts for garters!) to haunt you.

By all means blog on guns, and discuss scenarios, but be aware that your statements in public areas such as in blogs or forums can come back to haunt you if you aren't thoughtful and considered in your statements.

(The linked story is about self-defense in the UK, and the jockeying by the two parties to each appear more law-and-order than the other.)


  1. Interesting. I just hope Angelina Jolie doesn't turn up with a stake driven through her heart. Things would get kind of sticky for you then.

  2. @wally: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." - - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  3. @wally: but by all means if you are watching the morning news while eating your Corn Flakes one morning and there is a news bulletin that Angelina has been impaled and burned at a crossroads, feel free to turn me in.

  4. That cartoon and the idea that gun owners will run rampant and cause rivers of blood to flow through the streets is typical of libtard projection. I got that crap from the libtard down the street who got elected to the city council. I told her that if she thinks owning a gun will cause someone to do that kind of thing, she'd better stay away from guns, knives, cars, tennis racquets, hammers, rocks, baseball bats, or any other device that could be used to project or concentrate force because her brain was obviously seriously compromised if she was that easily controlled by inanimate objects.

    No, we don't get along well, she's stupid and I'm impatient with cretins.

    Burning Angelina is a bit much. Just driving a stake through her heart and burying her face downward in a crossroad should do nicely. Now Harry Reid and the Peloser, well......

    WV: "theho" Not really, just stupid.

    Gerry N.

  5. You tell 'em, Anonymous Gerry! If I came face-to-face with a drunk in an alley, it wouldn't matter to me if they were carrying a gun or a tennis racket! Fucking libtards!


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