Monday, February 08, 2010

Sounds Like My Kind of Candidate

A Republican running for Congress here in NC is sponsoring a "Machine Gun Social" to raise funds.

There is already a war between the anti-gun and pro-gun forces in the comments, with the anti-gun forces resorting to personal attacks, saying that the candidate, one Tim D'Annunzio, has a "creepy" mustache.

Gotta love libs, huh? Always keeping it on a high plane of debate.


  1. Ack!

    On the registration page he calls magazines clips.

  2. Just for fun, I chose a site from your blogroll, and here's what I found within five minutes:
    •Al Gore called a "land blimp"
    •Obama called "Ear Leader"
    •Obama called "jug ears"
    •Obama referred to as " the lying apostate bastard son of a Muslim cur."
    •a Connecticut congresswoman called a "hag"
    •and John Murtha called things on the day of his death that I could never conceive of calling anyone.

  3. @wally: Sounds like Misha over at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. Guilt by association is, of course, a typical liberal tactic. Pity that I forgot to bookmark Stormfront.

  4. Say what? Guilt by association? Jeez, Robert, I wasn't accusing you of anything. I was just responding to your implication that liberals had cornered the market on insults like "creepy mustache". I picked a conservative from your blogroll because I don't have any on mine.

  5. @wally: I don't think I was implying that liberals "cornered the market" on personal attacks, just that they were prone (my favorite word, right?) to doing so. Sorry for misconstruing your intent.

  6. Well, let's not split hairs here, Bob. If you claim that liberals are prone to doing something, aren't you implying that conservatives are not? And is there really a lot of difference between that and saying they have cornered the market?

    If, on the other hand, you meant to imply that conservatives are equally prone to personal attacks, I will accept that. And I think I've provided a taste of it, with very little effort.

  7. @wally: I'm not certain I'd agree that libs and conservatives are equally prone to committing personal attacks. In the few informal studies done on comparative blogging/commenting behavior between libs and conservatives, the liberals were 12 to 14 times more likely to use profanity. I'd think that a disparity in personal attacks would be seen, too. Bear in mind I said informal studies. I'm not aware of any scientific studies on the matter, or if I was, I didn't bookmark those studies for use in debate.

  8. Can you point me to those informal studies? 12 to 14 times as much profanity sounds like a really unreasonable number. You've piqued my curiosity.

  9. @wally:

    more commentary (much of it profane) on Democratic Underground:

    There also seems to have been a post at Gateway Pundit that also referred to this, but the archives there are incomplete and I could't find anything there. Most of the links at Google refer to the Washington Times piece; many leftist websites seem unsurprised, saying basically "so what" or "old news." This would lead me to believe that they basically agree with the assertion.

  10. Okay, I've got to hand it to you. You backed up those figures. Regardless of the math they used, it seems it would still come out that liberals use cusswords a lot more than conservatives. I'm not sure that implies that liberals engage in personal attacks that much more than conservatives, but I have no evidence to offer. The comments I read on the Anti-Idiotarian site sure curled my hair. But that's the internet for you.

  11. @wally: the issue got a lot of coverage in the conservative blogs back when that survey came out (March 2007). For what it's worth, although I have the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler still listed on my blogroll, it's been years since I have visited it, partly because Misha's propensity for invective gets tiresome after a while.

    I gave up reading Hunter S. Thompson for the same reason, and watching George Carlin's HBO specials for the same reason yet again. Both men left their best work in the 70's, and by the time of their deaths were little more than invective machines inveighing against the Right.


Don't use my blog to sell your products, whether it be goods, services, or Islam. Don't insult me or other commenters. Other than that I'm pretty tolerant.